Hello, November!

1:01:00 PM

I am the first to admit that I haven't been the best at keeping up with this whole blog thing. I created this blog last year with very little idea of what I wanted it to be and how I was going to go about, well, any of it. However, as of today, I can safely say that I finally have my thoughts in order! So, starting with today, November 1st, I will be posting 2-3 times a month (most likely on Thursdays or Fridays). I want to turn this blog into something I can be proud of and, the only way I can do that is by writing!

You might have noticed that I gave the blog a bit of a facelift, as well, and that was all in preporation of my fresh start. I am excited and ready to finally become a regular blogger, so watch out world!

That being said, be on the look out for my second post of this month late next week; I promise it will be a good one! In the mean time, see a little of what I've been up to these last few months at CollegeFashionista and Campus DIY.

Lots of love! 

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