Chantilly Lace & Silk

9:38:00 PM

No, my dear friends, I am not getting married. Are you kidding? I'm only nineteen! However, I am an avid lover of fashion, and with that comes wedding dresses.

In the past, I have not had the biggest appreciation for wedding dresses. I have never been fond of the idea of the all white gown, or the long, flowing veils. Recently, however, I have come across some "dresses" that truly caught my eye.

Both created by Houghton NYC, these two gowns, are actually, technically not dresses. And, I love that about them. Each gown is a two piece, consisting of a crop top and a high-low skirt, made of Chantilly lace and silk. They both maintain the classic, white look, but throw in a pale blue underneath to add a subtle splash of color. All in all, these gowns are simply breathtaking. If I were getting married sometime soon, I would have snatched one of these up months ago.

Another aspect of these gowns that I love is the lack of veils on the models. The gowns are stunning in their own right, and leave the necessity of a veil upon a bride's head slim to none. These contemporary gowns, mix modern and classic beautifully, to make some of the most perfect wedding wear.


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